Create Positive Change In Your Online Business And Deliver eCommerce WOW

If you're looking for a way to launch or grow your eCommerce business, guided by experts, working with a community of collaborators in a way that fits in with your schedule - then reading this letter will be the best decision you can make for your future.

The eCommerce Cohort helps you deliver what matters most for you and your customers.

Last year, the worldwide eCommerce market grew by 29%, and it is set to do it again this year. But most of us are so overwhelmed with all the fast-paced advances that we don’t know how to keep up.

The eCommerce Cohort helps you work on your online business in a way that eliminates the overwhelm through the practice of eCommerce Cycles: lightweight, guided monthly Sprints that deep dive into the key areas of eCommerce.

This new approach to eCommerce allows you to deliver eCommerce WOW, regardless of where you are on your business journey — EVERY SINGLE MONTH.

Each sprint will have a mixture of expert workshops, coaching, Q&As, and feedback and support from your fellow eCommercers (what I call folks who work in the field of eCommerce). All of this is designed to help you know what to do, how to implement, and get stuff done that has a positive impact on your business.

eCommerce Cycles are the new way of doing business ... and it's now BIG business.
What if you don't adapt?
We are in the midst of what I call: "The Overwhelm Revolution"

As an eCommercer myself, I have found that there is an overwhelm of information out there, all designed to 'help' me run my website better. And it’s not just me that has found this. 

If you are starting your eCommerce journey, it’s almost impossible to know where to start with it all, so your dream eCommerce business never really gets going.

And if you’re like me and you’ve been around a while, we have to watch out that we don’t get siloed into what worked last year whilst we watch our competitors do eCommerce in a new and better way.

So, why is now the perfect time for eCommercers?

The "digital revolution" combined with the dramatic rise of people who now buy online has eCommercers like you and me growing high 6,7, and even 8-figure websites, and it’s only getting bigger.

Hi there! I'm Matt, and I've been an eCommercer since 2002.

To date, I have set up, run, failed at, or sold 19 eCommerce businesses (including Jersey Beauty Company, one of Europe’s top beauty websites, which I recently sold). 

Now I am still an eCommercer, but I am also a coach (where I developed eCommerce Cycles); I host the popular eCommerce Podcast and I am the founder of The eCommerce Cohort. I've been helping eCommercers in virtually every market you can think of. 

I've had the amazing opportunity to interact with thousands of people involved in eCommerce from all over the world. 

And through it all, I've discovered the framework that makes a BIG difference in the success of sites that thrive vs. those that sputter.

On the edge of failure, we made an important discovery.

I had a pretty successful website and enjoyed every day of the business. The office had a real buzz about it. We were growing rapidly, hitting $7m in sales, and were well on our way to hitting the $10m target we had set in the coming few years, but almost overnight that business nearly collapsed. It was a humbling (and expensive) time. 

It was in that gut-wrenching, soul-searching time that I discovered eCommerce Cycles, and that changed everything.

Why I almost failed overnight

I could sit here and point the finger at others, at the market, at my suppliers. But the truth is, I had gotten excellent at just a few things - and they were things that I liked about my business. I didn't take the time to look at all the critical components of eCommerce.

Imagine going to the gym and only doing chest exercises but ignoring the rest of your body. That doesn’t make sense; it is not looking at the body as a whole. But that is what I was doing with my eCommerce business. I focused on one or two areas that worked well, but I didn’t think about my business as a whole. 

I had become siloed into a few areas, but my competitors weren’t, and I didn’t see it coming. I learned my lesson, especially when I started eCommerce coaching, because I saw it wasn’t just me doing this…almost every company I worked with had done the same thing!

Having worked with eCommercers from around the globe, there is a very definite framework that we should use in our eCommerce businesses.

There are 7 distinct parts to the eCommerce Framework that we need to work on in order to have a complete and balanced eCommerce business.

You need continually curate high-demand PRODUCTS that create profit through knowable sales patterns. (99% of people fail here).

The key to longevity is to take the time to truly understand the people we serve, so we can operate in the space where our STORY and their STORY interact.

Build an adaptable TECH STACK that provides a familiar buying experience, is authentic to your STORY and integrates with your business systems.

Successful eCommerce MARKETING comes down to the consistent use of proven principles that enable us to find the best people that we can serve and attract to our website.

OPTIMISE your TECH STACK for the journeys your website visitors take with you.

Create an industry-leading post-purchase EXPERIENCE for your customers and keep them coming back time and again.

YO-YO is about building repeatability and referability into your business to drive that all-important metric of Customer Lifetime Value.

In other words, eCommerce is about knowing ...

WHAT you are selling (Product),

WHO is going to buy your Product and WHY they should care (Story)

WHAT the mechanism is for how they will buy your Product (Tech Stack)

HOW you will reach those who resonate with your Story and want your Product (Marketing)

THE IDEAL environment for them to engage with your company (Optimise)

HOW to bring an outstanding digital experience into the real world (Experience)

WHY you should do this over and over again (Yo-Yo)

Needless to say, I paid attention to this Framework and saw first-hand how huge-growth websites were using these principles. Coupled with what had been happening in my eCommerce empire, I learned firsthand the EXACT methodology for adapting this framework that generates energy AND growth year after year. We call this methodology eCommerce Cycles.

So I started sharing MY FINDINGS ... And what I shared WORKED!

The results proved this could be APPLIED TO ANY WEBSITE.

“…we knew in theory what we should do as a business, we had a sense of the big picture…but we didn’t know where to start. Matt’s impact on the business has been huge.”

Chris Ivers
Pharmaco Aus & NZ

"It is rare to find someone with such a strong knowledge of all aspects of business who has the ability to evaluate, diagnose, strategize, and implement effective change."

Richard Reising
Artistry Labs (US)

“Matt's ability and insight, especially in the realm of digital engagement is second-to-none especially as he can offer first-hand, real-world advice from his own companies."

Simon O'Shaughnessy

“Matt has had a great impact in the area of our digital offering, including the development of ideas and mentoring of directors and staff...”

Ram Gidoomal, CBE

The point is, with the right system, you can adapt The eCommerce Framework to virtually any website in any market.

I even launched an online course called the eCommerce Masterclass that taught these principles. And it was a big hit too.

“I am getting a lot from the training and find it particularly valuable that I can trust the integrity of the trainer - you, vs some other online “gurus” who I always question their motives and legitimacy.” 

— Noah

“Overall a very good course. Very well communicated and it is very obvious that you have so much knowledge about the whole e-com demand/supply.” 

 — Stine

“The “eCommerce Masterclass” course was excellent, well-structured, and easy to follow. The content covered all areas of the lifecycle of an eCommerce site. From creation and marketing to optimization and strategy. The challenges at the end of the lessons helped me conceive and build my action plan for my future eCommerce adventure. Your presentation skills were impeccable, and your in-depth knowledge of the subject made the course a fantastic learning experience. Thank you very much indeed!”

— Dimitra

“The content of the course was incredible, with both many useful overall strategies and individual nugget gems, with some great personal experiences.” 

— Ian

“Glad I signed up for the eCommerce Masterclass course. I highly recommend it to anyone looking to start an eCommerce business. If you already have an eCommerce business, still attend the course because you will find it valuable. Matt has so much experience, knowledge and insight. I learned so much, and looking forward to implementing what I’ve learned. Thanks, Matt!” 

 — Ade

“I thought that the course was excellent, providing a really straightforward approach to setting up and running an effective eCommerce store. Additionally, you delivered the course in a very engaging manner with tangible examples at every stage, together with real-life examples. That, in itself, helped put it into perspective rather than coming across as a purely academic exercise.” 

 — Tom

But we are now discovering that online courses don’t really work for most people.

Have you ever signed up for an online course only never to complete it? Or not know how to implement the ideas? It turns out that you are not alone.

Only 15% of online courses are completed…(my computer is full of great but unfinished courses).

They are easy to procrastinate.

Online courses can create HUGE overwhelm with the length of their teaching.

As the teaching is one-way, it can be hard to implement the principles into your business.

Online learning only really works for certain types of highly motivated individuals.

So, we’ve taken everything that we have learned…
…And now, I'd like to share the eCommerce Cohort with you...

The challenge was that I didn’t just want to do another course and try hard to get students. And I am also bored with that whole ‘listen to just me, I am the expert’ thing. Learning is collaborative, not one-way. 

That's why I developed The eCommerce Cohort, and if you join us, I'd love to help you, too.

If you are an expert eCommercer, who wants more stability in your business.

OR you feel that you’ve got a bit siloed in your eCommerce thinking and want to avoid getting overtaken by the competition.

OR you just aren't sure where to get started when it comes to launching an eCommerce business, and you want to do it in the most effective way.

The eCommerce Cohort can help!

We knew that eCommerce was a big deal, and then the pandemic accelerated everything. As eCommercers, you and I have a HUGE opportunity right now.

So what is The eCommerce Cohort?

The eCommerce Cohort uses short, monthly Sprints that fit in with your schedule, which gives you the clarity and confidence to launch, grow and sustain high 6, 7 and even 8-figure eCommerce websites.

There are six Sprints per Cycle, and each Sprint targets a specific area of the eCommerce Framework, so no area ever gets overlooked, and we never get siloed again.

The Cohort is designed to take you through the eCommerce Journey where you will GATHER everything your need to LAUNCH your products or website, to GROW that business, and turn your business into an eCommerce FLYWHEEL which will move you into the top 70% of websites to the top 40% of websites to the top 5% of websites in your niche or sector.

Here's What You Get With The eCommerce Cohort

Sprint One: CORE

Core looks at the core aspects of your business - what your sell and your story. What you sell is (obviously) important, but so is your story - your brand, what you stand for. These two factors are intertwined and make or break your website. Without the demand for your product, no one will buy, and without standing out with your brand, you blend in with everyone else.

We deep dive into areas like

The tactical step-by-step process for finding high-demand products to sell online.

How to easily identify your brand story and how it fits with what delights your customers.

Why you need to really understand your customer and exactly how to communicate with them in a what that WORKS.

How to examine your current product offering and know what is working and what isn't. 

 Supplier pitfalls to avoid so you don't lose your whole business.

Strategies for finding high-converting cross-sell and add-ons for your website. 

And much more.


This is about delivering a world-class experience AFTER your customers have purchased from you. It's here that a customer often decides whether or not to buy from you again. We will look at how to structure that experience so that your customers not only come back and buy again but also rave about your company to their networks too.

Learn from the best: Get access to world-class customer service training and insights.

Deliver exceptional experiences: Create unforgettable first impressions for your customers.

The little things matter: Find out why customer service emails are so important and how to write them effectively.

Why the opening experience is one of the most overlooked areas of successful eCommerce and why it is still a huge opportunity for you.

Warehouse optimisation: find out how to make the most of your warehouse space and improve your organisation.

Going global? Get all the info you need on shipping and taxes.

And much more.

Sprint three: MARKETING (#1)

Marketing is essential for any business and its job is simple: to find new customers that we can connect with and stay connected with those that already buy from us. It's here where the eCommerce battle is often won and lost, and it's here we have to guard our business against marketing fads and fantasies that do our businesses more harm than good. In our first of two Marketing Sprints, you will focus specifically on lessons that we've learned from Sprints One and Two.

Learn from the masters: Discover the secrets of successful email marketing and how to apply them in your business today.

Why SEO does not have to be difficult, nor does it require fear of being duped - with the right information and guidance, you can do it well!

97% of people use their mobile devices to access the internet and Mobile Marketing is one of the most efficient and fastest ways to reach your customers.

Strategic marketing advice to help you hit your targets.

Reach a larger audience with your content than you ever could before.

Tap into the power of social media without throwing money or resource into a 'black hole'.

And much more!

Sprint four: WEBSITE

If you have the perfect website with the perfect tech stack to support it, then you won't need this Sprint :-) But for everyone else, this is the perfect time to look at our tech and our website and ask what needs to change? How can I make the experience before for our visitors and our customers? What tech will help me run my business better? With this Sprint, everything will seem much more straightforward.

Optimize your website for customer conversion without sacrificing quality and convert more visitors into buyers. 

Gain insights with the different stages of the buyer journey and how they relate to your website.

Learn what tech, SAAS and developments you need to drive customer engagement without breaking the bank.

Understand the science behind customer behaviour on your site.

Know what the right CTA is for your webpage and what other elements you need to drive engagement.

Learn how answering customer questions is a simple but effective strategy that has a big impact on conversion.

And much more!

Sprint five: GROWTH

We know that once you've got a customer, the trick is to keep them coming back. eCommerce is not just about getting more customers but also retaining those we've already won! That takes some serious effort on our part as eCommercers; luckily for us though there has been significant progress made over recent years with how best to work towards building relationships.

Keep your customers coming back for more with automated marketing campaigns.

Increase revenues with subscriptions and upsells.

Nurture your customers to increase their lifetime value.

Turn one-time customers into repeat customers.

Get more referrals from happy customers.

Boost your online ratings and reviews.

Increase your overall revenue.

And much more!

Sprint six: MARKETING (#2)

We round off each cycle with another look at our marketing to ensure that our messaging and our reach and the perception that people have of us is exactly where it needs to be to keep our trajectory on the eCommerce Journey strong. In this second marketing sprint, we are especially interested in the takeaways from Sprints four and five.

Set it and forget it: Automate your high converting email sequences and let them run on autopilot.

Get more bang for your buck: Maximize your ROI on email marketing campaigns with these valuable tips and techniques.

Paid Media - no one likes to pay hard-earned money to the big boys (they've got enough as it is) making sure we maximise our $$$ and strategy is super critical if we are to survive.

Establish yourself as an authority in your field and compete with the big names in your industry by providing better, more informative content.

Generate leads and new customers from the customers you already have through effective referral marketing strategies.

Take advantage of influencer marketing for even more reach.

And much more!

And Get These Incredible Bonuses


The StartUp Sprint 
(value $497)

So you're thinking about starting an eCommerce business, but you're not sure where to start. Don't worry, we've got you covered The StartUp Sprint is designed specifically for new eCommercers! This special Sprint still cyles through all of the key areas of eCommerce but with a focus on what to do when starting out online. And once you're up and running, you can always join our main Sprint and get access to even more resources and advice.   


eCommerce Vault 
(value - $197) 

When you're running an online business, time is always of the essence. You can't afford to waste hours sifting through old forum posts or scouring Google for the answer to your latest problem. That's where the eCommerce Vault comes in. We've merged all of the episodes from the eCommerce Podcast as well as all the content creating a great database of content that lets you find precisely what you need with a simple keyword search. And because it takes you directly to the spot you're looking for, you'll always have answers at your fingertips.


The latest version of the eCommerce Framework
(value - $1,997)

eCommerce is one of the most rapidly evolving industries out there and as such, we are constantly tweaking The eCommerce Framework, the foundation for thriving online. As long as you're in the Cohort, you'll always have access to the latest version of the eCommerce Framework.

Cycles Timeline
How Sprints Work
Sprints are a lightweight way to ensure you're on track with your goals. The best part about them? You can do it anytime, anywhere!

Week One: Expert Workshop -> Each month, there will be specific learning around the Sprint theme that will be delivered using a series of bite-sized video presentations and that show you how to apply the ideas and principles to your business.

Week One: Coaching Session -> this coaching session is about deep-diving into your own eCommerce business around the Sprint theme. The coaching is delivered inside the portal that you can access at a time that works for you, and it also comes with downloadable worksheets.

Week Three: Live Q&A with our experts and coaches. This is a time to ask questions and contribute your thoughts and ideas so we can all learn together.

Week Four: Submit your work for feedback, support and accountability. Yup, all of this is to provide you with clear, actionable items you can implement in your eCommerce business or department! It's not about learning for the sake of learning but about making those constant interactions that keep you moving forward and ahead of your competitors. Sharing your work helps cement your understanding, and accountability enables you to implement like nothing else!

So, for example - let's take the Marketing Sprint (usually everyone's favourite topic ); the theme may be Organic Social Media Marketing for eCommerce
WK 1: Expert Workshop

Given that Instagram Reels and Carousels are hot topics at the moment, we will do a workshop that deep dives into what is working for eCommerce and show you examples of stuff that might work for you.

WK 2: Coaching

You will look at your Organic Social Media strategy (if you have one), go through key metrics, look at what is working and what is not working for your business and competitors etc.

WK 3: Q&A

From Week 1 and 2 - you have some ideas of what to do for your business, but have a few questions about the lessons on Reels. You either post your questions ahead of time (if you can't make the live), or simply join in the live and chat directly with the coaches and Expert that delivered lessons.

WK 4: Submit your work

You submit the three key ideas you can implement on your social media. This slightly terrifies you because you are being vulnerable in putting ideas out there, but you push yourself to do it as you want the feedback and the accountability to get it done.

Can't do part or all of particular sprint?

No worries! Take a break, and come back ready next month. Of course, the more you put into the Sprints, the more you get out of it - so we wouldn't advise skipping too many, but fully understand that not every month is possible. We know that some months, you'll only do one or two of the weeks. Others you will be full steam ahead, encouraging the whole world to go for it. Remember - this is all lightweight and works according to your schedule.

The eCommerce Cohort includes:

Access to the Cohort Hub, which includes:

Guided coaching sessions and workbooks 

 Expert workshops in eCommerce 

 Join in live Q+A 

 Feedback and support on work

And these bonuses:

The latest version of the eCommerce Framework 

 eCommerce Vault - easily search through all hundreds of hours of content in seconds. 

 The Startup Sprint 

Try eCommerce Cohort Today for just $1

That's right; you can try Cohort for just $1 for 7 days. Get in there, look around, engage in a recent Sprint and decide if the eCommerce Cohort is right for you - all for just a $1! You get access to everything.

If Cohort isn't right for you - just cancel your membership, no questions asked! But we think you'll love it. After your trial period, your monthly membership is just $57 per month.

You ready to get started?

Fill in your details below and I'll see you on the inside

Contact information

Billing address

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


eCommerce Cohort Master Membership (USD)$1

  • Today's payment
  • eCommerce Cohort Master Membership (USD)$1
  • Future payments
  • $57

All prices in USD

Your Questions Answered
  • How is Cohort different from eCommerce Mastermind?
    The eCommerce Mastermind is the name of our online course. If you are an eCommerce Mastermind member, you will have access to the course. If you join Cohort, you will get access to the new, updated content. Cohort is a monthly membership that helps you apply the principles of the eCommerce Framework to your online business.
  • Will I get access to Matt?
    Yup. Matt will regularly be in the Cohort doing the coaching sessions and some of the Expert Workshops. He'll also be involved in the Q+As and community.
  • I haven't set up my eCommerce business yet, is Cohort right for me?
    Yup. It sure is. Just start off with the Startup Sprint, and you'll be up and running in no time.
  • How long is the commitment to Cohort?
    The best way to get the most out of eCommerce Cohort is to give yourself a year. Success isn't built overnight; it takes time. That said, if you find that Cohort is not right for you and you’re confident that you’d like to cancel your membership, just submit a request to our team at
  • What is the cancellation policy?
    To cancel your monthly subscription, just make the request at least 5 days before your next billing cycle, and your access to the content and community will be revoked on your next billing date, and no further fee will be collected.
  • How long do I retain access to the Cohort content?
    Access to content is based on your membership status. If you decide to cancel, you will then lose access to the content and all the benefits that come with being a member of the Cohort.
  • I have other questions, how do I get answers?
    Just send us an email at with your question, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.